Monday, July 9, 2012

Time tables

What do you think of time tables? Well, I think it is funny, it tells you when to be where and what to do you you there, mostly, and it helps you work out what needs to be done when. However, I'm not sure that it is always used so effectively, what if time tables allowed to to just think about things, often you rushing to follow the time table that you are not clearly in the moment of that time table thinking of the content planned for that time, you just rushing from one point to another. We if I think of work, at work they know I can only do one thing at a time even as I put preside on myself to do more than one thing, at a design job even running 7 different jobs, the client clearly knows I can one do one thing at a time, but at university I see us teachers wanting students to do many things in one time tabled slot. So I ask u what do u think

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

activity system

Hey hope all is well at work please take note of the following, activities you involved in, tools you are using, rules that apply, tell me about the social community you find your self in, and tell me about the labour divide (who does what) please. Are you being given time to learn and is the environment one that helps your learning. Then comment on one skill you learned at work that you did not have going there, thanks

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

july holiday 2012

We arrived in Durban safely on Monday and I still felt horrible, this flu was so bad I only started feeling better today. Mean while driving up here I was completely pulled apart as I wanted badly to spend time with the boys as they had suffered badly these last few months as both Mario and I had many commitments with church, cricket and work not to mention family things. I still felt pulled apart as my research was just about to fly off as all the students would start their placements and I struggled to get my paper work sort and to contact all the firms in time as the students just were so slow in getting the info to me many of them were still struggling to find two places. I also had a call from fellow teacher about missing marks. It was also the week of my grandmothers bday the one who passed away last year this time so I'm also feeling so emotional. Also , my mom has gone for another set of test and I so wanted to be there for her. Two close friends are also leaving and I never got to spend so going away time with them... Well, we got here and as I promised the boys there would be no Internet and no cell phone for me to keep me busy, I'm steal this time to check up on every thing and I found that the students are doing great and blogging and face booking like mad such valuable stuff without me having to remind them or lead them to use the blog at all, check my mail and two of the places came back with an ok for me to come and visit in the last week of holidays thats great news, also my mom test went well and she is enjoy her stay with friends, no work emails so I guest the arks were sorted out in the end. Spend some time at the beach today thinking about my MA and feel much stronger. The boys enjoyed the beach....oo about Durban, we staying in this rusty logged cabin in a tree every cool. About 500 meters from the sea so it so my kinda place, so funny how sea and forest live so close together. The Ballito bay were we at is 45 k away from city so it every upmarket holiday and not as Durban as I would like, here no really Durban locals mostly holiday makers and locals who don't care for going into the city at all. So yesterday we got here and hang around the cabin as we were dead tired and I still felt sick. Today we went out exploring and found lovely beaches, the kids all swam but Morgan and I felt bit sick still. But the water looks so nice and the wind blow bait but not like in ct beach were gets nasty, it was every very pleasant. Spend all day there as the kids loved it, then drove around bait exploring and found a surfing competition down the road, some flea markets and took a nice long walk, got back and by 7 the kids were asleep, yes I could not believe it either. Then saw some monkeys that came by the cabin, I read an entered magazine that is so cool in the last 5 years I have to take my mags to work and read it in my office as the kids thinks if I read it's only to relaxed out in the garden and now well you guest it.... Tomorrow we off to the city and Uskaka.....we I just since you are tell me all about your day I suppose it is just fair I do the same....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pre interviews and docs

2012 group please check emails and Gerry has the documents you need. Please post a time and date for the pre interviews needed before you go on work placement!  I propose (20 -29 June) any time is fine with me but the sooner the better please get back to me. I need to organize my time as to when to see who and where.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

When and Where to find you

Please could you blog the times and dates that you will be at the work place as well as contact details of the place.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

2012 What difficulties have you had finding a place?

Hi, all please could you blog about how you are going about finding a placement for work integrated project. Could you talk about problems you may be experiencing and what helpful tips you have found that is assisting you in finding a place.